some previous placements:
Song Feature with Bootsy Collins w/ Sports Illustrated for Kids – Song for Peyton Manning – Super Bowl – Semi-Finals TV & Live | Berlin Welcome Home Party for the Winner of the Soccer World Championship TV & Live | „Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten“ – German TV Series | „60 Minutes Australia“ – Australian TV Magazine/Boulevard | „Are You The One“ MTV US TV Reality Show | Song Placement at Inauguration Public Party of Donald Trump – TV & Live |Song Placement at Inauguration Public Party of Kamala Harris TV & Live | „Legacies“ – Season 2 & 3 – worldwide TV Show | BBC Australia Cartoon Network – Australian TV | Fenty Beauty Collection – Event Ad Campaign – Online,TV & Live
You’ve composed a song and wanna record and perform it. this is a simplified/superficial insight of what the music industry or we do and where is which responsability. divided in 2 sections red & blue.
Recorded Song
Performed Song
Mechanical Royalties / Record Company
Performance Royalties / Artist Copyright Owner Share
Performance Royalties / Publisher Share
Mech Rights Holder / Licensor
a Record Company is the communication link to the stores, to introdce your release & marketing campaign to get store features, landing page placements, newsletter slots or playlist placements.
(a record company provides you with different codes and registers your works incl. Neighbouring rights at PROs and reports quarterly the mechanical royalties, which PROs collect from stores and pay to you. don’t make the mistake that a record company is a distributor!)
your song is divided into the Copyright Owner Share and the Publishing Share, by 50% / 50%*. The Copyright Owner Share is paid to the artist by the PRO, based on reports of the Publisher, Record Company, Radios that spinned your song, Your Performance Reports. The Publisher Share can only be taken by a registered Companies/Music Publisher, if the Share is not been taken the PRO earns it, it will not be added to your Copyright Owner share**.
(* the share % depends on the national law of the Country where the Royalty got created…if a Radio in New Zealand played your song, then it gets divided based on their law, the artist share is 50-80% and the publisher share is 20-50% in the most countries. ** in the USA can members/artists of the PRO claim a „own publishing“ and receive the national (1 Country!) publishing share (not the mechanical royalty share!). if you’re a US citizen and got such own publishing at your PRO, please cancel it and put FBP Music Publishing or Sentric Music in to receive also the royalties of other Countries.)
a Record Company is the legal Person which offers the Labelcode/LC and ISRC (Important for broadcasting and receiving performance Royalties) and giving a license for your song for Compilations or different kind of usage on TV etc.
(in your Sentric Music account are some of our sync offers for you to pitch for yourself. we pitch in our global network in 65 Countries by royalty ad agencies and to other Publishers like Warner, Universal, Sony ATV, ROBA, Kobalt…we have a lot of Broadcasting Partners (TVs & Radios which have a national agreement/auto-permission to use songs and pay royalties without requesting)
a Admin-Publisher is to register your works on all worldwide PROs correct, route and manage to the PRO where you’re member of, that you can receive/cash out your royalties.
(our admin collectors are Sentric Music or FBP Music Publishing. make sure that you’re registrations or Live reports are linked to one of these both).
a Sub-Publisher is to evaluate you as an artist, handle consulting or explains legal situations, helps you by building your fanbase or does different promotions of your songs.
(with different tools and ad campaigns we lead traffic to your songs or social medias and help you in legal questions or marketing strategies for your releases but also the permanent submissions to radios and blogs. we’re no hired promoters and report you)
a Co-Publisher is to pitch your music for sync opportunities in TV, Film, PC Games, Brand ad campaigns etc.
(we pitch in our global network in 65 Countries by royalty ad agencies and to other Publishers like Warner, Universal, Sony ATV, ROBA, Kobalt…we have a lot of Broadcasting Partners (TVs & Radios which have a national agreement/auto-permission to use songs and pay royalties without requesting)